Professional Applications for Microsoft Excel
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Data Tools Suite

Optipe Data Tools Suite17 fantastic applications for Microsoft Excel to save you a lot of time in your daily work of managing data and tables in Excel. Do hours of work in just a few minutes.

With Data Tools Suite you can easily:
- Merge tables
- Group data from different tables
- Create summaries
- Consolidate forms
- Select and filter by various criteria
- Split a table in multiple sheets
- Save sheets in individual files
- Manipulate texts
- Fill empty cells
- Performs operations simultaneously in a range

Among many other possibilities. And in a fraction of the time it normally takes you.

Optipe Data Tools SuiteDownload a free 30-day evaluation version.

Learn to use it in 20 minutes (clic here) with our selection of VideoExamples.

Multilanguage: DataToolsSuite is available in English, SpanishPortugueseGerman, French and Italian. Videos and support are only available in English and Spanish.

Data Tools Suite is ideal for those who:

  • Use Excel to manage data and generate information for decision making.
  • In their companies have organizational systems, ERP or similar, but require export data to Excel to build more developed analysis or criteria other than those provided by these systems.
  • Perform operations on the data to prepare PivotTable as standardize texts, fill blank cells, group data from different sheets, among others.
  • Waste valuable time performing routine tasks on the data in Excel.

Optipe DataToolsSuite applications:

Data Tools Suite

Summarize a TableSummarize a Table

  • Generates a summary of a data table by one or multiple criteria.
  • Allows various aggregation functions (sum, average, count, max, min).
  • You can update the summary after generated.

Consolidate TemplatesConsolidate Templates

  • Generates a consolidation of templates or forms located on different sheets.

Group TablesGroup Tables

  • Group data from multiple tables located in different sheet in a single table.
  • Allows you to choose the tables and fields to include in the group.

Select and FilterSelect and Filter

  • Select cells by various criteria.
  • You can also filter the cells.
  • Optionally, mark the selected cells with a color and can extend the selection to the entire row.

Operations in Range

Operations on a Range

  • Performs arithmetic operations simultaneously in a range of cells.
  • Lets you add, subtract, multiply or divide by a constant, round (to integer, ten, hundred, or thousand).
  • It also allows you to define a custom operation.

Summarize Multiple TablesSummarize Multiple Tables

  • Generates a summary of multiple tables located in different sheets.
  • Allows various aggregation functions (sum, average, count, max, min).
  • You can update the summary after generated.

Create Conditional FormulaCreate Conditional Formula

  • Create a formula to search, count or sum data conditionally based on one or more criteria.
  • Match types: search data, search position, look if exists (yes / no), count occurrences, sum data, average, maximum, minimum.

Manage WorksheetsManage Worksheets

  • Group sheets located in different workbooks.
  • You can hide, show, sort, protect, unprotect and rename the sheets.
  • Also allows you to save sheets in individual files.

Fill Empty CellsFill Empty Cells

  • It allows you to fill the empty cells in a range with a reference to the cell above.
  • Also you can fill with text or numeric constants.

Forms Names HyperlynksForms, Names, Hyperlinks

  • Select all shapes or objects, names and existing hyperlinks in Excel sheet or workbook.
  • Selected items can be removed.

Merge TablesMerge Tables

  • Allows merge data from two tables based on one or more criteria.
  • Incorporates in the first table matching data from the second one.
  • Match types: search data, search position, look if exists (yes / no), count occurrences, sum data, average, maximum, minimum.

Extract Data From TableExtract Data from Table

  • Extracts data from a table or database similar to a query.
  • Allows various criteria for extraction.
  • It also allows you to split a table in multiple sheets.
  • Rotate or unpivot two-dimensional columns.
  • The result table may be used as database for Pivot Tables.

Manipulate TextManipulate Text

  • Modifies character strings.
  • Change to uppercase or lowercase, remove accents, converts text formatted numbers to number, removes blanks.
  • Also add prefixes or suffixes.

Color MarkersColor Markers

  • Add color markings according to numerical data value ranges.
  • The color marks are added in a new column or on the same column of data.

Otras FuncionalidadesOther Features

  • Customizable formatting buttons.
  • Customize Optipe table format.
  • Calculation functions added.
  • And more ...

New Functions Added

  • More than 30 new calculation functions.
  • Available in all your spreadsheets.

See Installing Optipe Add-ins details.
Check Configuration Settings and Installation Problems.


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