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Optipe Data Tools Suite - Conditional Formula

Create Conditional Formula is a wizard in Optipe Data Tools Suite that lets you create in the currently selected cell a formula to find, count or add data conditionally, for one or multiple criteria, similar to Merge Tables application.

Data Tools Suite Create Conditional Formula

Create Conditional FormulaUse this application to:

  • Find the name or description of an item that matches a key code.
  • Calculate the sum of the sales for a particular vendor.
  • Get the sum and amount of sales for a specific item in a branch (two conditions).
  • Calculate averages, maximums and minimums for one, two or three criteria.


  • Matching data for up to 3 criteria.
  • Match Types: Add data, Counting occurrences, Search data, find position, Search if exists (yes / no), Average, Maximum, Minimum.
  • Create the formula or the data as value.
  • Optionally, you can define erroneous data (# N/A) are returned as zero or blank.
See also:


Video Example. Create Conditional Formula.

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