Professional Applications for Microsoft Excel
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Optipe Data Tools Suite - Funktionen hinzugefügt

Optipe Data Tools Suite adds more than 30 new calculation functions, which can be used at any time.

These functions are recognized only on computers that have Optipe Data Tools Suite installed.

The functions are as follows.

Date and Time BeginOfMonth date Returns the first day of the month of date.
EndOfMonth date Returns the last day of the month of date.
WeekDayText date Returns the week day as text.
Easter year Returns the date of Easter of year.
Statistics CountUniques range Returns the number of unique elements in the range.
UniqueValue range, n Returns the nth unique element in the range. It can also be used in matrix form, without specifying the parameter n.
MinIF range, criteria, rangemin Returns the minimum value of the cells that meet criteria. The use of the parameters is similar to SUMIF function.
MaxIF range, criteria, rangemax Returns the maximum value of the cells that meet criteria. The use of the parameters is similar to SUMIF function.
AverageIF range, criteria, rangeaverage Returns the average value of the cells that meet criteria. The use of the parameters is similar to SUMIF function.
Lookup and reference
IsInList range, cell Returns the average of the cells that meet criteria. The use of the parameters is similar to the function SUMIF.
WorkSheetName range Returns the name of the sheet in that range is.
WorkBookName range Returns the name of the sheet in that range is.
WorkBookInfo range, type Returns data about the Workbook in that range is. Type 1 returns the path, type 2 returns the Author.
RangeAddress ref, external_dir Returns address range as text, optionally indicate whether you can shows the full address of the range.
RangeDinCol ref, columns, width Returns a reference to a range of column(s) from ref, can define columns to offset and width. The number of rows is dynamic and is automatically set.
RangeDinRow ref, rows, high Returns a reference to a range of row (s) from ref, can define rows to offset and height. The number of columns is dynamic and is automatically set.
Text TextFrom text, char, offset Returns text from char on.
TextTo text, char, offset Returns text from beginning to char.
SinceWord text, word-n, separator Returns text from the word number on. Eg., If word is 2 returns from 2nd word onwards. The default separator is " ".
ToWord text, word-n, separator Returns text until word number. Eg., If word is 2 returns text until the 2nd word . The default separator is " ".
Words text, separator Returns the number of words of text. The default separator is " ".
SpellNumber number Returns the number converted to text. Eg., 84 returns as "eighty four".
Sentence text Returns text converted to sentence case.
Title text Returns text converted to title case.
RConcat range, separator Returns the concatenated text of cell range. The default separator is " ".
Information FillColor cell Returns the index of the cell pattern color.
FontColor cell Returns the index of the cell font color.
IsBold cell Returns true if the cell style is bold.
IsItalic cell Returns true if the cell style is Italic.
FontName cell Returns the name of the cell font.
FontSize cell Returns the size of the cell font.

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